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                        Doorway files (included)

  The following 27 files are included in the DOORWAY ver. 2.20 ZIP file:
                 (DDD with DoorWay v2.21 is available now.)

    ANSIPAT.DOC    The documentation for ANSIPAT.EXE.

    ANSIPAT.EXE    A program which patches ANSI.SYS to make it issue
                   line  feeds  when  it reaches  the  bottom  of the

    CONFIG.HLP     The help file for DWHOST during configuration.

    DOORSYS.DOC    Documentation on  both DOORWAY  DOOR.SYS file  and
                   the "Standard" one.

    DOORWAY.DOC    This file.  Main documentation for DOORWAY.

    DOORWAY.EXE    The DOORWAY executable file.

    DROPMENU       A menu for the DROP to DOS  which allows selection
                   of either 24  or 25  line COM programs.   Place  a
                   /I:DROPMENU in the DOORWAY command line to use.

    DWCOMM.DOC     The documentation for using DWCOMM.

    DWCOMM.EXE     A simple com  program to use  as the remote for  a
                   DOORWAY session.

    DWHOST.COM     A HOST program  which will  answer the phone,  and
                   pass control to DOORWAY.   Set up with DOORWAY  to
                   answer phone and allow drop to DOS remotely.

    DWHOST.DOC     The documentation file for DWHOST.

    DWHOST.OVR     The overlay file for DWHOST.EXE.

    DWREDIR.COM    Program to allow you  to turn DOORWAY  redirection
                   on and off.

    DWREDIR.DOC    Documentation on using DWREDIR.

    DWXFER.EXE     A transfer  protocol which works under  DOORWAY in

    DWXFER.DOC     The documentation for DWXFER.

    DWR.BAT        A batch file to use DSZ's ZMODEM to receive files.

    DWS.BAT        A batch file to use DSZ's ZMODEM to send files.

    HOST.BAT       A batch  file to  bring up  the  HOST, for  remote

    INSTALL.EXE    An  installation program  to  install DOORWAY  for
                   remote access, using DWHOST.

    README.1ST     A short note for  those who are simply wanting  to
                   implement a remote capability with DWHOST.

    REGISTER.FRM   The order form for DOORWAY.

    SEND.DOC       The documentation for SEND.EXE.

    SEND.EXE       A program to send a text  file out the modem under
                   DOORWAY, and pause at the end of each screen.

    WHATS.NEW      What's new since version 2.12.

    XTABLE.DOC     Documentation for XTABLE.EXE.

    XTABLE.EXE     A program to make key translation tables.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson